Happy Father's Day

It's Father's Day this Sunday.

I am grateful that my father is also my daughters' hero.

They think he is funny.  And thoughtful.  And kind.

When he pops in during their friend conventions at our house, 

he is the center of their entertainment.

And he has yet to miss his granddaughter's softball game or a cheerleading event.

My four daughters may not know this...

What I appreciate the most about their Papa John is that he prays for them every single day.

This Father's Day,  Dads...

 Do the very best thing that is possible to do for your kids or grandkids...

Place them into the hands of our Father through your prayers.

And know that as you do,  the Father in Heaven says about you...

"This is my son in whom I am well pleased."

For you are in Christ.  And therefore,  you are pleasing to the Father.


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