The Worst for the Best
I would not wish these past days upon my worst enemy.
The pain. The surgeries. The questions and the results.
But the Lord our God has revealed Heaven to me.
He has comforted me. He has healed me.
I would not wish these past days upon my worst enemy.
But I would wish the things upon my best friends.
You see, in so many of my previous trials in life....
I embrace them with the hope my kids never have to experience such difficulty.
However, in this, the greatest physical trial of my life...
The payoff of seeing Heaven has been so rewarding....
I would even be glad to allow my kids to suffer as I have....
Knowing that they would see what I have recently seen.
Therefore, I'd never wish these past days upon my worst enemy,
But I would rejoice if they were experienced by my best friends.