Happy Mother's Day
"It is good."
That was the Lord's remark after everything He had made.
With one exception.
"It is not good that man should be alone."
Adam needed Eve.
I needed my mom.
She stepped into 615 Hueners Lane.
And raised a rambunctious, eight year old, little dork.
(I am talking about me. And not my siblings. Necessarily.)
I need my wife.
She stepped up her game.
With each and every challenge.
And is raising beautiful, Godly, young ladies.
Dear mothers.
Your family needs you.
It would not be good for them to be without you.
Even if they don't always realize that....
God does.
And you should, too.
It is not good for man to be alone!
Thank you, Moms.
Where would we be without you?