Thee Only

When David slept with Bathsheba, then murdered her husband...

He was called out by the prophet Nathan.

David's response was singular. 

"I have sinned against the Lord," David said.

What about Uriah, David? Or the baby that died? Not to mention, Bathsheeba?

That is what we might ask him.

David reiterates his confession again.  This time in Psalm 51.

"Against Thee and Thee only have I sinned, O Lord."

Whether in the moment of confession or the Psalm of reflection...

David spoke of sinning against the Lord.

When it comes to our actions, we can justify them if we want to.

The reason we did this or that action is because this person did the other.

And even though the Bible may tell us it was a sin....

We can feel we had the right to the course of action we took.

Until we get real.  We become honest.  And we remember...

Our Father did nothing to deserve the action we took.

Maybe David could have justified his action to one degree or another.

But when the Lord called him out,  David said he sinned only against the Lord.

That is a true "Fear of the Lord."

When it all comes down to it,  the fact of the matter is that we have sinned against Him.

And He will forgive us when we confess that sin to Him.


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